Hair loss is something that impacts everyone at some point in their lives. Whenever one experiences this, it is bound to be stressful. Watching strands of hair in the bathroom drain or on your hairbrush can even cause anxiety. It instantly sends us into a spiral and we start looking for ways in which we can stop the process and help our hair grow back. We can’t solve the problem unless we know what is causing that problem. Hair loss is similar. It can temporary or permanent, not everyone experiences hair loss in the same and the reason might be different. The first step should be to head to a Toronto hair transplant Clinic. During the consultation, the doctor will carry out the analysis and determine the root cause of hair loss. On that, they will advise you on the course of treatment. The following are some common reasons for hair loss.

Causes of hair loss

Genetic Disposition

Like other health conditions, hair loss can also be pre-determined by genes. Hair loss caused by genetic disposition is referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Men and women experience it differently. Men are more impacted by this type of hair loss, so it is also often called male pattern baldness. It begins with receding hairline along the temples, leaving behind window peaks. Sometimes hair loss follows a horseshoe pattern, which means the hair is left behind on the side and back of the head. Whereas, in women, androgenetic alopecia follows a different pattern. There is hair thinning and widening of the parting.


Age takes a toll on the body. One can see the physiological signs of hair loss, especially after the age of 60. As the body ages, the hair follicles also age. This leads to hair loss. Ageing follicles cause permanent hair loss. As time progresses, you will begin to notice hair thinning.

Physical and Emotional Stress

Stress is an underrated cause of hair loss. Often we don’t realise that the stressful situations we live in can cause hair loss. Be it emotional or physical stress. Traumatic accidents, and emotional stress, all impact the body. This can cause temporary hair loss. The moment you begin to recover, you will start to see new hair growth.

Health Conditions

There are illnesses and medical conditions which can cause hair loss. Some of the common are thyroid diseases, iron deficiency, Lupus and trichotillomania. Apart from that, even medication and treatments can cause hair loss. Everyone is well aware of the fact that one experiences hair loss while undergoing chemotherapy or consuming the immunosuppressive medication. Medication for blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and acne can also cause hair loss.

Pregnancy and Menopause

These events take a significant toll on a woman’s body. After giving birth, there are a lot of hormonal changes that women experience. This can lead to hair loss. As your body begins to return to normal, you will start to see new hair come in. However, when hair loss is experienced during menopause, the results might not be temporary.


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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.