Preparation tips for class 11th and 12th Humanities student

If you are a humanities student, you will undoubtedly come across various opportunities to shine in the outer world. But before that, you have to clear your class 11th and 12th humanities examination. Humanities offer you a wide range of subjects. The class 11th Humanities Books includes subjects like economy, history, political science, human rights, home science, mass media, and many more. here are some preparation tips for scoring good marks.

So, if you want to score the best marks in your exam, you have to complete your class 12th Humanities BooksCompleting the book at least 4-5 times will help you get good grades in your exam. So, if you are a class 11th & 12th Humanities student.

Scan the complete syllabus

If you are preparing for class 12th humanities exams, you need to scan your complete syllabus. Reading your syllabus will help you know which chapter to start with. Every book in humanities has easy and complex topics. So, you have to start with the topics that are easy to solve. This will help you focus on your prep and enhance yourself.

Select the subject that you want to start with

Class 11th and 12th humanities come with a lot of subjects. Some are easy, while some involve complexity. So, if you want to prepare your best, start with the easy subject. Then you can move on to difficult ones. Some students do the opposite. They start with the complex ones to make it easier. 

So, while starting your preparation, start with the subjects that you are more comfortable solving. 

Prepare from your book first

Before moving on to the reference book, it is essential to complete your textbooks first. So, make a schedule for every subject, and start with easier ones. Make sure you are not missing any part of your book. You can even highlight the part of your textbook that you find difficult. It will help you focus on those parts in a better way. Once you complete your book, you can then move on to your reference book.

Solve the mock tests

To make your preparation better, you can follow the mock test series. There are mock test books and online links available; you can visit those links to solve the mock tests. Solving the mock test will enhance your time management skills. You will figure what time should you provide to each section of your question. 

So, if you are a class 12th humanities student, you should solve the mock test.

Follow previous year question paper

Following previous year questions will help you get a better insight into your subjects. You can know the difficulty level in your exam. If you are class 11th humanities students, you should try solving the previous year question paper. It will help you reduce anxiety and know about the type of questions.

In conclusion, these are some preparation tips for class 11th and 12th humanities students. If you are reading humanities, you must ensure you are following your textbook completely. 

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Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.