Tips to Reduce Carbon Footprint for Businesses

Sustainability has become a key feature of our lives in today’s world. This means that people, in general, want companies and governments to adopt environmentally-friendly business processes. The former also want firms and manufacturing organizations to reduce carbon footprint significantly and make the earth a better place. Businesses too are understanding the importance of sustainability and eco-friendly manufacturing processes in today’s world.

Tips to Reduce Carbon Footprint for Businesses

Those companies which do not reduce their carbon footprint will face greater challenges in the future. It doesn’t matter whether you are a small, medium or big business. If you are emitting greenhouse gases in significant amounts, you face an uncertain future. Companies should measure their carbon footprint by hiring a professional consultant before reducing their emissions in a planned manner.

Understanding carbon footprint and hiring an expert

The first step is to understand what is carbon footprint. Let us take the example of a soft drink maker. Here, the carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 emitted while producing, transporting and marketing the soft drink brands. There are various tools to measure this footprint, such as Deedster. Knowing the number of emissions will help you plan the next steps.

At this juncture, you should hire a sustainability expert. He will guide you on reducing emissions, streamlining business operations, and gaining the necessary certifications. Make sure that your consultant has adequate experience in managing the carbon footprint of several companies and industries. Next, you should apply the three R’s- Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. This will make your company eco-friendly and more profitable.

Renewable energy and carbon-offsetting

Find out whether you use renewable energy in your manufacturing and business processes. If that isn’t the case, then source your energy requirements to a renewable energy provider. Thankfully, there are several such providers in the market, so you shouldn’t have any problems while choosing your vendor. Make sure he has enough experience in his domain and has worked in several industries.

Consider carbon offsetting in your organization. This concept refers to reducing CO2 or other greenhouse gases to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. Carbon offsetting is a great way to become a more eco-friendly business entity. There are various programs available, and these range from sector-specific to company-wide programs. Your consultant should be able to pinpoint the right program for your company.

Sustainable web hosting

This carbon footprint reducing strategy doesn’t come to our minds so easily. Though we are using our laptops, computers, etc. for more than 20 hours a day, we never think about the associated energy costs. The bulk of our energy consumption comes from our servers, which in many cases are external. Do these servers run on fossil fuels or renewable energy?

Reducing the carbon footprint in this sector rests on four pillars. Businesses can use technologies that are energy efficient. They can also depend more on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energies. Carbon offsetting can also be a great strategy in reducing web-hosting related carbon footprint. Lastly, companies can also start using energy-efficient devices to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Travel greener and reduce carbon footprint

Business travel has become an essential part of our corporate lives. However, even this area can lead to more sustainable business practices. For example, executives can consider taking public transport to reduce carbon emissions. Similarly, they can travel together in the same vehicle and save on fuel costs. This also directly curbs carbon footprint as fewer cars are on the roads.

More carbon footprint reducing strategies

Companies should also think about the effect of their employees’ commutes on the environment. More employees travelling by car to their office means more carbon footprint. This can be negated by encouraging employees to take public transport, using bikes, etc. Companies can also encourage their employees to work from home and save on fuel costs. There can be some tax incentives too.

Environment-friendly projects

No matter how big or small your company is, you should take part in various eco-friendly projects. Your participation can be a financial contribution or doing simple tasks to help control greenhouse emissions. If you are a business owner, then you should encourage your employees to be more environmentally sensitive. It is even better when children take part in these events.

Some of the world’s biggest companies are actively promoting the concept of a greener planet. Their top executives are actively involved in various carbon footprint controlling initiatives. These firms have environmental protection right on top of their business agenda. This participation percolates down to the junior-most level, and many firms actually reward their employees for being eco-friendly and environmentally conscious.

Reduce carbon footprint by educating

This exercise should not be seen as a top-down approach by the employees. Rather, the focus must be on educating them. Teach your colleagues the importance of a healthier and more sustainable planet. Conduct workshops and explain the linkages between profits and reduction of carbon footprint. Explain to your employees how this activity makes them healthier, and more responsible citizens.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Taylor