Vital Strategies to Safeguard Your Home Against Weather Damage

Vital Strategies to Safeguard Your Home Against Weather Damage

Home is where the heart is and it should be a space your family feels comfortable and secure. Unfortunately, extreme weather can pose a hazard to your home and compromise your safety. The damages from weather-related events can also be expensive to repair. 

It’s important to take some solid steps to safeguard your home and your family from the elements. With a little planning and focus, you can address any potential issues. Let’s explore a few vital strategies you can adopt.

Do Your Research

Safeguarding your home against weather damage should begin as early as possible. The last thing you want is to simply react to emergencies. Start by recognizing that weather risks can be dependent on location and the time of year. To take the most relevant action — and put your money in the right places — you’ll have to research what issues you’re likely to face. Here is where you can get practical information about weather risks in your area:

  • Historical data: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) keeps reliable records on the weather history of where you live. In particular, take a look at extreme storm and event data for your area. Review the types of issues that tend to arise, the times of year they occur, and their severity. You can use this information to prioritize your preparations.
  • Weather forecasts: Regularly review your local weather forecasts. This doesn’t just mean looking at the current day’s events. Many services offer relatively accurate 10-day weather forecasts. You can then make the appropriate adjustments to your home.
  • Subscribe to weather alerts: Ideally, you don’t want to wait to receive an emergency weather warning on your phone to take action. However, you can subscribe to email weather alerts or download mobile applications. These will usually advise you of any expected events in the coming days. 

Remember that the types and severity of weather conditions in a location evolve over time, as well. In fact, climate change is likely to impact how frequent and severe weather emergencies are. This means you need to do a bit of regular research. Take notes on the year-on-year changes in your area. Find credible sources to stay abreast of any expected shifts. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and NOOA are both good options here. This enables you to keep basing your plans on accurate expectations.

Adopt the Most Relevant Protections

Once you have your data, you need to prepare appropriately. Become familiar with the types of damage that arise from weather emergencies in your area. Some of the common ways extreme weather can cause property damage and their respective protections include:

  • Flooding: Flooding comes from various types of weather, from heavy rainfall to hurricanes. Excess water could enter your home or even pull your property from its current position. There are multiple ways to protect against flood damage, including underpinning or taking steps to strengthen the footing of your house’s foundation. You also want to make sure your home’s water runoff and drainage infrastructure is working properly. 
  • Wildfires: Areas with dense woodland and extreme heat can be prone to wildfires, which can put your property at risk of fire and smoke damage. You can protect against this by installing fire-resistant roofing. You should also avoid having vegetation within 30 feet of your home. 
  • Tornadoes: Living in tornado zones can put your roof and windows at risk of damage from high winds and flying debris. It’s important to limit the number of items you keep in your yard to prevent them from being moved by windstorms. It’s also wise to install permanent storm shutters on your windows. 

You should also invest in a solid emergency weather response kit, which should include a crank-operated radio, warm blankets, a first aid kit, and plenty of drinking water, among other supplies. You may also want to have items on hand to help mitigate the effects of weather on your home, such as having a stash of sandbags to use in case of a flood. 

Keep your emergency supplies in an easily accessible location that all family members can access. Educate everyone in the household on how to use these items properly so they can also take action if you are not at home.

Frequently Assess Your Home for Vulnerabilities

Another key point of preparation is committing to regular home assessments and maintenance. Any vulnerabilities already in your property can put you at risk of damage from even mild events. They’ll also exacerbate the dangers of more extreme weather.

Some points of assessment and maintenance you should be mindful of include:

  • Leaks: Any leaks that are currently present on your property can lead to damage during weather events. Firstly, check the exterior of your roof and inside your attic. Look for evidence of wet patches and mold on ceilings. Repair any displaced shingles, too. Minor pipe leaks may lead to bursts or flooding following strong weather. Regularly assess your home for the five signs of hidden leaks. These include musty smells, unusually damp areas, and discoloration to walls, ceilings, and floors. The sooner you can address these leaks, the less likely they’ll be problematic in the future.
  • Yard features: It’s nice to have trees, playhouses, slides, and other elements in your yard. Yet, these can be hazards during extreme weather. If you have a play area for your children in your backyard, make sure it cannot be moved easily by high winds; you may want to consider bolting it to a concrete foundation. Take the time to trim back any tree branches that overhang your roof or windows. It’s also worth checking the stability of any trees to establish whether they’re likely to fall in a windstorm.

Make a regular schedule of aspects to inspect, rather than waiting until just before storms hit. If you’re not confident about your ability to check certain aspects, seek professional assistance. This can be particularly important for inspections that require being on the roof. Not only do you want to avoid the risk of falling, but also if you tread on shingles incorrectly you may cause more damage.


Safeguarding your home effectively against weather damage isn’t necessarily complex. However, it does require a commitment to regular research, preparation, and maintenance. It’s also worth prioritizing protective upgrades for renovations to your home. Remember, the better you can prepare, the safer and more comfortable your family is likely to be in the long term. 

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Article Author Details

Charlie Fletcher

Charlie Fletcher is a freelance writer living in the pacific northwest who has a variety of interests including sociology, politics, business, education, health, and more.