10 Activities a Social Media Expert Should Do On Facebook

Facebook is the premier social networking platform at the moment. The platform boasts more than 2 billion monthly active users and 74% of users visit the platform daily according to Pew Research Center. Well, the social networking site has its own pros and cons but it is a key tool for business.

10 Activities a Social Media Expert Should Do On Facebook

In this article, we are going to share with you some of the crucial activities a social media expert should do on Facebook.

But before that, let’s look at the benefits Facebook can offer a person.

The benefits of Facebook

  • It is the best tool for networking

Facebook is still a powerful social networking website currently.  As a person, you can network with colleagues, connect with friends and family. You can also connect with new people.

  • Facebook for dating

Many people have found their spouses on Facebook. Given that the platform boasts more than 2 billion users, it’s easy to connect and find a date with common interests and hobbies.

However, you need to be cautious when finding a date on Facebook since there are plenty of fake profiles created by spammers. On the drawbacks, Facebook is said to be one of the major causes of breakups.

  • Facebook as a source of the latest news and updates.

Facebook has become one of the major sources of the latest news and updates. Brands such as custom papers, Brill Assignments, essay services review and many others are using Facebook to announce new and upcoming events.

Internet marketers can follow brands and companies to stay up to date with the latest updates and gather important information for their content strategy.

  • Video chatting

Facebook has partnered with Skype to implement the video calling feature that allows people to video chat with each other.

With that in mind, let’s get into the meat of this article: 

Everyday Activities of a Social Media Expert on Facebook

The billions of users and business pages make Facebook a fertile ground for marketers and brands. And given that 53% are always online on the platform makes it a suitable marketing hub.

And with the popularity the platform commands, the competition is also fierce. As such, a social media expert needs to stay ahead of the game always.

This article shares some of the ten activities a social media expert should do regularly.

Let’s get started.

  1. Keep Your Profile Picture Perfected Regularly

Due to the fierce competition Facebook attracts, you need to grab and retain any potential customers immediately they land on your profile. As such, you need to perfect your profile picture. After all, it’s the first thing people will see when they click on your account.

If you are a solopreneur, you can use a high-quality and attractive headshot of yourself. If you are working for a company, you can use a clean logo of the company.

2. Add More Flavor to Your Cover Photo

The cover photo is also another crucial piece of your Facebook profile. It should attract eyes and make people want to click your profile to know more about you.

Your cover photo takes care of the below the fold. It’s the best place to add a call-to-action. Check this profile for inspiration.

The good thing is that you don’t have to be a pro to flavor up your cover photo. There are plenty of easy-to-use tools you can create a good-looking image for your cover photo.

Besides, the recent video feature that allows users to put cover videos has made it easy for people and brands to attract other people’s attention. 

Another good thing is that you can get creative and use the 20 to 90 seconds to grab visitors’ attention at first glance.

3. Share More Than Just Links

With the huge of users it attracts, you might think it’s the best place to promote your products or services, but it can disappoint you badly if you solely post self-promotional content.

Well, you must do everything possible to show up on your followers’ feeds but you will win the game if you diversify your content distribution.

Linking to your products or listings isn’t a sin, but you should make sure you are directing users to a place they can read and absorb useful and helpful information.

4. Schedule Your Content Distribution

On Facebook what matters isn’t what you are posting but what matters is who is reading your content,” says John Mathews, a social media expert at Paper Writing Pro, one of the expert writers at such dissertation writing service as Australian essay writing service. If you want to attract engagement, you need to observe the time you share your content.

Sprout Social suggests posting content on weekdays.

The good thing is that there are plenty of social scheduling tools you can set your posts to go live on Facebook at the time when users are active.

5. Respond on Time

People prefer doing business with brands with a good customer care department. In fact, brands are expected to respond to a question or comment within four hours. You can stand out from the competition by making sure you respond to customers’ questions and comments on time.

Don’t have the time to respond to customers’ questions, you can take advantage of the Facebook Messenger Chatbot.

6. Run a Contest to Spark Engagement

Facebook contests have been rocking the game since inception. You must have entered into a Facebook content if you haven’t run one. Unfortunately, you have never tried running one.

Facebook contests are a great way to spur ad engagement. You don’t have to make your contests complicated. Just learn how to run Facebook contests and you will enjoy doing it for your brand.

7. Experiment With Video Posts

Chances are that you’ve never experimented with video or at least you have tried and failed due to some reasons. Maybe your videos were too long or they weren’t engaging.

Facebook is a social networking platform where users want to be engaged, entertained and educated at the same time. As such, you need to give them what they want while at the same time passing your message creatively.

8. Be Human

Facebook was initially created for people to connect and interact with the outside world and not for advertisement purposes. However, as marketing experts at assignment writing service inform, marketers tend to forget easily and focus on the marketing side instead of interacting with other users.

The more you become salesy, the more people will unfollow you so, focus on connecting with the target audience and make them feel they are interacting with a human.

9. Monitor Your Analytics

You can’t continue playing a game that you are winning or at least you know you have higher chances of winning against your opponent. There are plenty of social analytics tools you can use to know what type of content is creating a buzz and which one you should adjust.

10. Repeat these Activities Until  You Succeed

Chances are that you won’t win in your first trial. But remember, there is always a day and that day is called tomorrow. As such, if you see that nothing is adding up, start from activity one and see where you are not doing as is until you get better results.

Are You a Social Media Expert?

Are you working for a brand or you are a solopreneur? Have you experimented with any of these exercises we have shared in this article? What were your results?

Let us hear that in the comment section.

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Article Author Details

Michael Gorman

Michael Gorman is an app developer and a part-time blogger who specializes in digital technologies. With over 15 years of professional experience, Michael has more than enough ideas to share with his readers and so he tries to write at least one post a week. Besides that, Michael is a father of two lovely toddlers and an amateur long-distance runner.