5 Useful Skills That You Can Teach Yourself

Learning a new skill is a great way to challenge yourself and add new excitement to your life. Some of the best and most rewarding skills that you can learn are the practical ones that have utility in your everyday life. Thanks to modern day online resources, there is virtually no limit to the types of skills you can teach yourself. While a new skill takes time, effort and discipline to pick up, with the right level of commitment, you can become proficient in a new area that will benefit yourself going forward. Check out this list of five useful skills that you can learn at anytime.

teach skills
1. Video Editing

Videos are a huge part of today’s online environment, and knowing how to properly edit videos can benefit you in a number of ways, creatively and professionally. While the concept of using video editing software may seem simple on paper, it is, in fact, a skill that will take effort and commitment to master. Thankfully, the internet is full of tutorials on everything from the basics of how to operate editing software, to more specific uses such as how to export After Effects files to a reasonable size. With the right resources and patience, putting together high quality videos will be a breeze for you. Additionally, video editing is a valuable skill to add to your resume when seeking potential job opportunities.

  1. Making Spreadsheets

Whether you are going into a career that requires it, or you just want to freshen up your computer skills, knowing how to use spreadsheet software is practical in many ways. Spreadsheet software is an easy way to organize data, balance your budget and make quick calculations, among many other uses. Familiarize yourself with how to make spreadsheets by starting out with some online guides and making a few sample sheets of your own. Before long, you will realize how many applications spreadsheets have in your daily life.

  1. Learning a New Language

Learning a new language is an invaluable skill to have. However, the process can be intimidating. Thankfully, now is the best time to give it a try, as the wealth of online guides and apps for teaching this skill makes learning any language more accessible than ever. The best thing to do when learning a language is to start simple and pace yourself. Learn the basic grammar and simple words at a comfortable pace, and you just may surprise yourself with how much progress you make.

  1. Public Speaking

The fear of public speaking is one of the most commonly held fears in the world. Sometimes just the thought alone of speaking in front of a large audience can make one nervous. However, knowing how to speak in front of people is a useful skill, as you will never know when you might need to do it.

If you are intimidated, start small by working on your enunciation in the mirror. From there, you can write a script and practice in front of one person until you get the confidence to speak in front of a wider audience. Refining your basic communication, speaking and persuasion skills is important, so now is the best time to start practicing.

  1. Learning Time Management Skills

Everybody has been in this situation: you have many tasks that you want to accomplish, but you end up not doing nearly as much as you had hoped. This is where learning time management skills becomes useful. By learning how to organize your daily tasks and plan the timing out accordingly, you can make accomplishing daily tasks easier.

Any one of these five skills could help make your life both easier and more exciting. For any skill you wish to learn, be patient and do not give up hope. Not everything can be learned in a day, so stay confident and persistent, and soon these things may become second nature to you.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.