7 Stretches Help Your Body To Be Flexible

Whether you are planning to have a strength training or just do simple routines on a daily basis, your flexibility is a very important factor. And you should pay attention to it. This is because it will prevent you from experiencing injuries and accidents, especially when you are subjecting your body into various rigorous programs. 

7 Stretches Help Your Body To Be Flexible

The truth is – when you are flexible enough, your body can easily perform well. This is why stretching regularly is largely recommendable by many experts. In fact, your routines will have much more effective and efficient results when you are flexible. 

How Flexibility Affects You

According to experts, if your muscles are stiff, it prevents your body from “firing” the right way. And as a result, it would compromise all your developments and improvements in terms of body strengthening, training, and building. 

It is important to note as well that flexibility also affects a lot of factors in your body. Even in shredding calories and losing weight, flexibility can significantly assist you to effectively achieve your goals. This is why you can already omit the real phentermine prescription if you become flexible as you intend to lose weight.

Hence, becoming flexible is really a must and the best way to do it is to perform stretches on a regular basis. 

Stretching Routines For Flexibility

In recent times, there are a lot of ways that you can do to stretch your muscles. As it happens, there are now over tens (or even hundreds) of ways to stretch. But of course, there are only a few of these that can definitely help you with your area of concern. And these seven stretches below are some of the best ones that can help you to be flexible.

  1. Standing Side Stretch

All you need to do is to stand straight and firm on the ground. Begin with your hands placed comfortably on your side. Once you are settled with your position, raise your arms upwards until your palms face each other. 

Reach upward and feel the stretch on your back and sides. Stay in this position until you feel the stretching portion passed through your side body. Do this for 3 to 5 times.

  1. Quad Stretch

When doing the quad stretch, you need to stand straight with one of your legs. You may choose to hold a chair or the wall to keep you still in your position. 

If in the instance that you choose to use your left leg to stand firm, use your right hand and grab your right foot going to your behind. Pull it towards your butt and feel the stretch in your quads. 

Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. And once done, repeat the steps with the other side of your leg. You may choose to do this for 2 to 3 times per leg.

  1. Chest and Shoulder Stretch

Apparently, there are tons of chest and shoulder stretches that you can do. But the most effective ones include the cross-body stretching. All you need to do is to stand or sit straight. Raise your right arm forward and grab it using the left hand. Place your left hand on the upper portion of your right elbow and pull it towards your chest going to left.

Pull it further until you feel the stretch in your shoulder and chest. Keep it still for 20 to 30 seconds. Once done, sway your hand backward and repeat the steps for the opposite shoulder and arm.

  1. Upper Back Stretch

While a child’s pose on yoga can largely help you stretch your upper back, another effective way to do is to actually stand in front of a chair and lean forward. 

The first step that you need to do is to make sure that you are standing an arm’s length away from the chair. Slowly bow down using your force on your hips and not your back. Place your hand on the back of the chair and stretch your back by keeping it straight. 

Stay in this position for 30 seconds. You may also repeat the process for two to three times depending on your preference.

  1. Ankle To Knee

The ankle to knee flexibility stretch is actually challenging for some. But even so, this can dramatically help you become more flexible. All you need to do is to sit down straight on the ground while you cross your legs. 

As you cross your legs, make sure that the other foot is placed on either top or bottom of the other knee creating a parallel structure to your legs. Afterward, ensure that you are sitting straight and firmly. Then, slowly, raise your arms forward and bend until you reach the front ground. 

You feel the stretch in your knees, ankles, and legs as you stay in your position. Be still for more than 15 to 20 seconds and repeat the process depending on your preference.

  1. Split Squat

In doing the split squat, you will need to begin with the forward lunge position. Once you’ve fully succeeded in doing the position, slowly drop your back knee to the floor. Consequently, place your hands on your sides and press your hips forward and downward. 

You will the stretch in your legs and torso if done right. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the steps for the other side.

  1. Seated Side Stretch

The seated side stretch position is quite similar to the side stretching routine. The only difference is you are sitting properly for this routine instead of standing up straightly. 

Primarily, you have to sit up straight with your feet flat to the ground. Also, make sure that your back is in a comfortable straight position while your chin is properly placed up. Next, raise your arms upward and make sure that the palms will meet in the middle or on top of your head. 

Reach upward and slowly bend to each of your sides. Do this for 20 to 30 seconds for each side. 

In Conclusion

All in all, these stretching positions are found to be very helpful in making you much more flexible. Just make sure to do these routines regularly. Certainly, your muscles will achieve its most flexible state after a while and you would experience the benefits of having a flexible body.

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Article Author Details

Jessica Ann

Jessica Ann has written many blogs across the spectrum but specializes mainly in weight loss and dieting. With several years in the field, Jessica has been helping people get healthy and fit with the help of drtohelp.com and is dedicated to providing information for those who need it.