Selling your Property: Create Curb Appeal in a Home

Create curb appeal to sell your home

According to statistics of pending sales of homes – it shows in May; sales pace fell from the last year May. The decline in the sales may be for various reasons, on top of it is pandemic. However, professional real estate brokers in California have some other views to share.

Before sharing their viewpoint, the pending sales of a home was going perfect until late April. However, as May began, sales declined. So, it clearly shows the pandemic doesn’t have an impact on home sales. There are some other factors which we will discuss today.

curb appeal selling home

What do Realtors have to say?

Speaking with realtors, many believe sellers don’t have curb appeal to their home. It’s the top reason why buyers are not interested in buying old and outdated property. As it says, the first impression is the last.

If we look from the buyer’s perspective, you need a property with a landscape of trees, grass, shrubs, and flowers around it. Additionally, the buyer wants a safe space for their kids and other family members to spend their time, like the backyard. A yard is an extension in any home’s living space and gives a natural place for sitting.

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Here, realtors suggest few enhancements boost curb appeal in your property. As the seller does, buying will restart. So, let’s begin:

  • Have a Lush Green Grass

It’s one of the simplest and effective ways to bring curb appeal to our home exterior – everybody loves greenery around them. When the seller visits, you see they immediately look at your garden. If the grass is dry and brown, it shows you’ve not paid adequate attention to your home. Keeping your garden lush green and mowing is cheap and quickly grab one’s attention.

  • Trim hedges

What’s the point of creating curb appeal when you don’t have shrubbery trimmed properly? It’s the front of your home. If the hedges trimmed adequately, it would give a neat and tidy look.

  • Main Door

In any home, the entrance door is the pivot and reflects your home interior. When a seller comes to see your house, they will see the front door after the lush green garden. If the door isn’t painted correctly or damaged from somewhere, it gives an adverse impression.

A fresh coat of paint is mandatory before you ask the realtor about your selling plan. It will remove all the stains and scuff marks. The realtor also suggests you install new hardware of your door if it’s damaged. Give your door an appealing color from the buyer’s perspective.

  • Fencing

Another exterior part seller notices just after getting out of the car. The fencing needs to be organized, painted, and undamaged. They are affordable to install if damaged from somewhere. Look, while selling a home, always look from the buyer’s point of view if you’re buying, which components in a home will compel you to buy.

  • Outer Paint

Typically, the old home’s exterior paint damaged because of the weather change and oldness. The color starts peeling and fading. Give a fresh coat to the outer wall of your home. These mentioned points are the exterior part of your home, which are sighted by the seller initially.

  • Address Number

Typically, old homes have either damaged or improper home numbers beside the main door. All the sellers need to have proper labeling of their home address – only label on the front door where the mailbox is pegged for the courier service to put your parcels.

  • Exposed Foundations

 One of the most significant parts of any home is the foundation. If your home foundation is exposed, the buyer is likely to come back with any offer. The reason is the buyer believes the foundation of the home is getting weak. So, install faux stone or anything to cover the foundation exposed before putting your home for sale.

  • Outdoor Lights

Sometimes home buyers visit at night. A seller needs to check all the lights are working correctly. If the lights not completely turned on, it will not give a curb appeal to a seller. Usually, realtor visit before taking any potential buyer at night to make sure home is giving perfect appearance.

  • Driveway and Garage

Your driveway is a path from where people approach your home – give it a terrific appearance. To make your driveway outclass, pull all the weeds, the repair is the cracks with caulks. It provides an overall facelift appearance to your home.

Don’t forget to paint your garage door if it’s damaged or peeling. Your garage door must have the same color as of the trim of your home. Give you a uniformed look to your property; otherwise, it doesn’t look pleasant. See the inside of your garage in detail and ask your maid to clean before welcoming the potential buyer. If it has an unwelcoming look, the buyer will take it with a pinch of salt.

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Article Author Details

Erin Keller

Erin Keller is the mother of three boys aged 1 four, 1 three, 1 one, and 1 girl four years old. She currently resides in Fairfield but was brought up in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she also completed her B.A. in Business Economics in 2003. Erin has been very involved with her kids, trying to balance work and life since 2011. Her experience with her kids provided her exciting content for her blog. The blog is Erin’s passion and an ongoing effort of a mom with four kids.