How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally

All of us long to have flawless skin that is well hydrated and free of acne and that glows. With the lifestyle most of us lead, the rising levels of pollution and stress to maintain such skin by default is close to impossible. However it is not very difficult to maintain it with a little extra care. This articles lists for you how to get pretty skin naturally.

1: Exercise:

First one on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally is exercising. It is not only essentially to keep your body fit but also your skin perfect.  Exercising opens your pores and sweat glands throwing out the toxins that have accumulated. It also improves the blood circulation which is essential for good skin.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Exercise

2: Water:

Second on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally is to keep yourself hydrated. Drinking water keeps your skin glowing and it also flushes out the accumulated toxins within the body. Drink at least 3-4 liters of water every day.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Water

3: Diet:

Third on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally, is to maintain a wholesome and healthy diet.  What you eat reflects on how you look. Consumption of fried food and junk food makes your skin oily, increases acne and clogs your pores. Consumption of ample proteins, vitamins, iron and other minerals helps maintain a luscious skin. High levels of sugar and carbohydrates in the body are not good for your skin either.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Diet

4: Green Tea:

Fourth on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally, is consumption of green tea. Green tea is known to have anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants basically eliminate or neutralize the free oxygen radicals in your body which is responsible for aging. Green tea helps to keep your skin young and supple; it delays the process of aging.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Green Tea

5: Exfoliation:

Fifth on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally, is to exfoliate your skin naturally. Exfoliation helps to remove the dead cells, scrub and polish your skin. You can naturally exfoliate by rubbing a mixture of olive oil and salt on your skin.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Exfoliation

6: Fruit Therapy:

Sixth on the list of how to get pretty skin naturally, is the numerous fruit therapies you could use. Many fruits are helpful to your skin to be applied externally apart from being consumed in your diet. Applying lime on your face removes the tan and makes your skin glow. Application of honey mixed with mashed bananas hydrate your skin and removes any dryness you might have. Papaya fruit mashed and applied onto your skin for about fifteen minutes also effective for glowing skin.

How to Get Pretty Skin Naturally Fruit Therapy

There are various things you could do at home to conserve your skin and make it more pretty. With the above tips you must be able to get glowing skin in less than a month.

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