Kim Kardashian Looks Completely Different in her Latest Picture

The Photo posted by Kourtney Kardashian reveals that Kim Kardashian may have gotten her beautiful features destroyed.

Kim Kardashian Looks Completely Different in her Latest Picture

In a recently uploaded video by Kourtney Kardashian, Kim Kardashian doesn’t look like she used to be. The said picture was uploaded on Instagram. This has left all of Kim’s fans perplexed and completely freaked out.

Apparently, the picture was uploaded with the intention of showing off the slender curves of the celebrity’s body. But the followers of Kourtney’s Instagram account were distracted by Kim’s visage. They failed to notice the loss of weight that she has experienced after giving birth to her son Saint West. As per the report published in a famous daily, fans have been dying to know what happened to the face of Kim Kardashian.

Since she gave birth to Saint, Kim Kardashian is not the usual selfie loving celebrity that she used to be. She simply loved sharing her pictures on social media. It is not that she wasn’t active on the internet after pregnancy, but she would be usually posting throwbacks.

It may just be possible that Kim does not want people to know how she looks these days. However, there is simply no way she could stop members of her family from taking her pictures like the one posted by Kourtney Kardashian on Instagram.

The caption on Kourtney Kardashian’s picture read: Studio h*es. #SWISH. Kim is also seen as taking a mirror selfie however that picture was not shared on Instagram.

The same daily reported that this is the first picture of Kim that has been shared on the social media since she became a mother making her fans think that she must have gotten some work done on her face after giving birth. Already, there have been more than three thousand comments posted on the picture.

One of her followers speculated that Kim Kardashian has destroyed her nose. Another one wrote that Kim Kardashian used to be a very beautiful woman but she has wasted all of that natural beauty.

There are some fans who are saying that Kim’s nose looks a little bit different and the face is also swollen. There is speculation that the puffy look may have been the result of using Botox or fillers.

There has been no response on all these speculations from Kim herself. It is also not known whether she is upset with her sister for posting the picture.

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Article Author Details

Chris Mathis

Managing Editor of The World beast